What Every Mom Needs to Survive Motherhood (And Maybe Even Thrive!)

Your head hits the couch pillow, and you are hoping your kids don’t see your tears. It has been one of those days. You know the ones where motherhood tricks you into thinking you are less than, or life gets too overwhelming. The need for a friend to hug you, or for your mother to tell you how great you are doing comes to the front of your mind. When you need support most, you hear a little ding from your phone.

What pops up brings even more tears, but this time, tears of relief. It was a simple push notification from Mama, the app, giving you the reminder you needed. You are not alone, you are loved, and you are just what your kids need. The confidence comes flooding back, you take a breath, pause, and conquer the day.

“Like so many other mamas we felt the desire for a little encouragement throughout our day. Someone to say you’ve got this, you are amazing, just breathe, and most of all without adding another to do to our list. So we created Mama to be a simple daily reminder of the awesomeness and power that we have as mamas,” said Sahra Cahoon, co-founder of Maven Mamas, and co-creator of Mama, the app.

Our app is changing the lives of mothers by providing encouragement, community and a daily dose of wisdom through push notifications to mobile devices and empowering content within the app. Created for mom by moms, co-founders Christy McConnell and Sahra Cahoon of parent company Maven Mamas, have brought to market an app with one goal: to support moms.

Mama delivers a daily dose of wisdom, encouragement, love, and truth for moms. This is not parenting advice. You see enough of that in your Facebook feed. This is different. With the simplicity of a push notification, Mama offers self-empowering yet straightforward encouragement. Behind each notification is a beautifully designed wisdom with additional content, practices, and articles to help you more than just survive motherhood.

And, after the kids fall asleep for a nap, bed, or even if they are watching TV, we have something to help you discover ways to connect deeper to yourself. In the midst of giving so much to family and everyday life, it is vital to take some time for you. Within the app is a 6-week self-care practice guide to help you thrive in motherhood. Each week you will receive an email with a focus for the week, a journal prompt and more resources for those days you have a bit more time.  

Maven Mamas wants to create a world where mamas can be connected deeply to themselves and each other. To move beyond conversations about parenting styles and judgments and deeper into supporting the inner work of motherhood. Maven Mamas creates content, products, and opportunities to remind moms that they are incredible and not alone on the motherhood journey.

Christy McConnell